Fashion. Beauty. Lifestyle

Friday, February 23, 2018

My Introverted Blogging Experience

 I realized through blogging that I am an introvert and I have always thought of myself as an extrovert. I can socialize in a large group and make new friends but I have realized through networking events and conferences I feel extremely uncomfortable when I have to talk about myself. I wrote a blog post about it but last year I attended a networking event in New York City and at that event I felt anxious. I felt uncomfortable trying to spark a conversation or sell myself as a blogger. It didn’t feel natural to me and the more I was in my head the more I feel out of place and disengaged.

However, blogging allows me to talk about myself and share my experiences in a setting that I am comfortable with. While I may not feel comfortable speaking out loud about my feelings and thoughts in person blogging t gives me the opportunity to talk about my passions, insecurities and personal stories in a space that I am comfortable with. 

In a controlled environment introverts can thrive and build a successful blog and community. Introverts thrive in settings where they have choice and control of where they work. Introverts enjoy quiet spaces of solitude.

If you’re an  introvert like me don’t feel bad about being one. If you research it there are some amazing people that are introverts as well. Some examples are Albert Einstein, Barack Obama, JK Rowling and Rosa Parks. Introverts don’t require energy or inspiration from others but rather find it within themselves. 

If you are an introvert like me and want to pursue your dreams I want to encourage you to do so. If blogging is something that you are interested in here are some inspiring reasons that you should:

1. Show the World your Passion
Blogging will allow you to break out of your shy shell and communicate with the internet world. You can show people who are you and how unique and special you are. You can use this internet platform to show others a skill, teach, inspire or even change the world. The sky is really the limit because it is the internet.

2. You meet like-minded People
Before I was blogging I had a very small group of close friends. I have a hard time trusting people and letting my walls down and that can turn some people off. But in the social media community you can expand your tribe or aka squad and align yourself with people that think like you and have the same interests. 

3. Build Up your Confidence
Blogging can help you become more self aware of your insecurities and flaws. But the first step is knowing and the next is building on improving these areas of self improvement. When you open up in your blog about your vulnerabilities you are gaining confidence in who you are. You are practicing how to express yourself to others through your writing. This is also thereauptic and as an introvert I find that before blogging I harbored a lot of feelings inside. We are conducting therapy on our terms where we can control how much we discuss or not and at the same time communicating with others how we feel.

4. You are a Leader
Social Media and blogging opens up the opportunity for introverts to tap into their leadership qualities to help others. Introverts are listeners and that is a good quality to have when it comes to analyzing your audience and understanding what your followers like and don't like. You an the authority in charge of your blog and your readers will look to you to provide resources and guidance on topics that you are share. This opportunity will help you build your confidence!

5. Tap into your Creativity
Introverts are creative beings. Creativity is a foundation for successful blogging. Deep thinking and reflection helps with content creating and brainstorming new ideas for your blog. You can explore so many creative possibilities to tap into. Blogging has opened my mind to video, photography, writing and web design. I always gravitated to anything related to the arts and now my mind is stimulated by the endless possibilities associated with the internet and blogging.

Blogging is a great outlet tool for introverts. I encourage any of you that are holding back or afraid to let that go! Remember the following:

  • Embrace who you are and be yourself!
  • Build connections. Once you open up you will realize that there are way more people like you then you think. I have met and connected with some amazing women through this community and I accredit that to starting my blog. 
  • You have control! You are in charge and create parameters that you are comfortable with. Blogging comes with a lot of work and tasks but prioritize whats important to you and focus on that. 
  • Empowerment. Opening up in a safe way is so empowering for someone who doesn't like to talk about themselves in a face to face interaction. Writing can help develop a sense of empowerment as well as build self awareness. This will help with communication skills and you will begin to get better in social settings.

I hope this post helped you guys!

Have a great weekend!


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