Fashion. Beauty. Lifestyle

Thursday, July 14, 2016


This is my 2nd post in my Blogging Series. I find sharing advice and ideas to help you all in your blogging journey both self fulfilling and motivating. I love to help and share information and guidance with others and I hope this is helping some of you!

Whether your beginning your blog journey or you want to revamp it let’s first begin with finding your niche! Lets start off by by brainstorming and jotting down ideas for the following:
  1. What interests you – write them all down
    1. Keep in mind that your blog is all about topics that are important to you!

  2. After your write down all your ideas and what interests you then try to take all your ideas and create a category that they fall under
              a.  Example categories: Fashion, DIY(s), lifestyle or travel...

  3. Think about what are your strengths?
              a.  Are you a good photographer? Do you have strong writing skills? Are you planning on creating video content? Are you on top of fashion/beauty trends? Do you like to test products and give reviews?
               b.  If you are not sure what your strengths are then ask your friends, family fellow bloggers and your followers. The people you trust will give you honest and real advice. This is a useful research tool.

  4. Target your audience. Think about the type of audience your speaking to and who you are trying to attract. 
    1. Think of your audience age/ interests/ economic status

  5. Take all of the above ideas and create a mission statement for you blog. If you need an example of one check out mine in my About Me Page. But create a simple sentence or two that describes what your blog stands for and goal.
Once you have written down all your ideas and you've narrowed it down...Congratulations you have discovered your niche for you blog!

My Best Advice to you guys: Don’t look too much into what other bloggers are doing!!!
If you start pulling influence from what other bloggers are posting or how they are taking pictures or doing then you will easily lose yourself and instead of showcasing individuality you display similarity! 

This is a good segway for the next blogging series on how to Display Individuality in your Blog!


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