Another year almost over.. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. I am looking forward to another new year of lessons learned and accomplishments achieved. This week I am writing down in my notebook what goals I am setting for myself in 2019.
December is a perfect time to evaluate what we have done this past year. But this time of reflection is not only for work results and what goals were met but I also like to reflect on the time that I gave to the Lord. Did I devote personal time with him and am I growing spiritually? This is a great time to display gratitude and give thanks and praise to God. I give thanks to Him for the things and people he toke out of my life. The blessings He has blessed me and my family with. His presence and grace in the times of worry and anxiety. As I type this I feel emotional because just by taking a few minutes in my day to think about these things I give God all the glory and praise for His presence in it all.
For me this year was a challenging year of anxiety. I had a lot of anxiety, fear and worry about my health. I started to feel sharp pains in my chest and the worst case scenario thoughts was what was running through my head. I then started experiencing neck pains and the worst case scenario thoughts were frightening and panicking me. I didn't allow God to be present with me to calm me. I was too in my head and suffered from many anxiety attacks that left me not sleeping.
My husband and I ended the year with the decision to come back to our hometown. We left Rhode Island and have moved back to Rochester, NY. I knew God was in this decision because for the first time in months I felt such a sense of calm about it. I knew this move what our next chapter.
Professionally this is the first time that I have free time to concentrate on my blog, youtube and brand to really pursue this career full force and give it my best effort. If its for me I will praise Him and if it is not I will still praise Him because I know He has something better for me.
This was also my first year of marriage and it was blissful. I look forward to 2019 and our journey of trying to start a family. I have had the biggest baby fever ever this past year and my husband has caught me so many times staring and adoring other people's babies on IG stories! I just can't help it! In this season of my life babies make me so happy <3
I have had high and lows this year and I look forward to correcting the things that I did wrong this year and growing in the ways that I did right.
I also want to take time to talk those that have suffered a true hardship this year. Losing a loved one. Battling a disease. Experiencing a break up or divorce. I pray for you. I can't tell you how to feel or say I understand but my heart goes out to you. If you have never been close to God or prayed to Him I ask that you just give it a try. Theres nothing to lose from doing it but only to gain.
When I was researching end of year quotes for this blog post I found this one and I love it so much. It is "Looking Back helps us Move Forward with New Purpose."
Looking back helps us see a clearer path in whatever our journey is. In a spiritual sense it gives us a clear picture of what God has been doing in our life!
So if its helpful for me because this is always helpful for me, take some quiet time out and write down some questions of reflection.
Write down the following if you need some help:
- 5 accomplishments
- 5 missed opportunities
- 5 things you put most of your time on
- 5 things you left out or didn't get around to do
I hope this post provides some helpful guidance for you guys. I truly am so thankful to each and every one of you that have taken the time to visit my blog and read a post. Thank you for your comments! If you haven't yet please sign up to my newsletter so you can get early access to giveaway and post notifications in the upcoming year.
If you need some NYE outfit inspo then scroll down to some sparkly fun pieces I picked out while online shopping. I wish you all a safe and blessed NYE. I pray that God leads each of you in the New Year to your purpose. May God open doors where they need to be opened and closed the doors that are not for us. I pray for protection for you and your families. I pray for peace for those that suffer from anxiety and worry and may the love of God comfort those that are heartbroken. In Jesus name Amen.
Finish the year strong guys and start the New Year stronger and better than ever!
Top: ASOS / Pants: Zara /
Boots: Aldo (click here) /
Lipstick: Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk (click here) |
You look very nice in these leather leggings ;-)