Sunday is my favorite day of the week! But I also don't waste it be unproductive. I like to start my week but using Sunday to plan out the rest of my week. Whether it is cleaning my apartment and running errands, a productive Sunday helps organize the rest of the week. Here are some ways to make your Sundays productive:
1. Church or Mediate
Church prepares me for my week both spiritually and mentally. When I hear God's word it refuels my spirit to have a good attitude and mindset for whatever obstacles may come my way that week. You can also meditate. Set aside some time in the morning and just relax your mind and think positive. Be thankful for another day and enjoy quiet time.
2. Plan your week
I have found that in order for me to have success in productivity I need to plan. Don't leave your planning for Monday! Utilize your Sunday to write in your planner or notebook your weekly personal/financial/work goals. Write down your to do lists and perhaps that are things on that list you can knock off on Sunday!
3. Cook or meal Prep
Cooking a nice meal from scratch on a work day is hard. Your exhausted from your day and when you get home you just want to cook something fast. On Sunday you have the time to cook up a nice large meal and can pack up left overs for the week. If your health conscience you can cook all your meals for the rest of the week on Sunday. I have never meal prepped but I would love to try it! If you have any meal prep recipes leave me a comment below.
4. Quality ME time
Its okay to set aside an hour or so and catch up on shows or find some time to read. Its healthy and good to reset your mind. Remember to add meaning to your weekends. Being social on Sunday is good too! Catch up with friends or spend time with your significant other. Watch a good movie together or play a fun board game.
There are many tips out there for a productive Sunday but the motto is to add meaning and to help yourself get inspired and refreshed to start your busy work week schedule. Its also good to get an early sleep as well. Reenergize your body and give yourself energy for your week!
I hope these tips help and you guys enjoyed this post!
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