Fashion. Beauty. Lifestyle

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Here HE is!!! Sharing my Labor and Delivery Story!


I have to start this post by saying this " I can't believe I am a Mom"

I am so blessed and grateful to share with you all our baby, Mateo Andres. He was born at 11:51 a.m. weighing 7.8 lbs! I say this with surprise because while I was pregnant I had numerous ultra sounds done because my OB was concerned with his growth rate. When they told me that he was 7.8 lbs and 21 inches long I was shocked! Our supposedly little peanut was a big boy! 


Mateo was one week over his due date which means I was 41 weeks pregnant (being this pregnant was not comfortable at all!) At our 40 week appointment my OB advised me that if labor did not occur over the weekend then she would recommend to make an appointment at the hospital to get induced. Being a first time mom the word induced kinda scared me a little. All I kept thinking was that I was going to get poked with a sharp instrument to get my labor going (mind you I didn't take a labor class which would of helped!). Side note I regret not taking a labor class for informative purposes and totally recommend now!)

Another side note when the hospital called me to come in I was taken back when the young lady asked me if I could come in within the hour! I was quiet at first because for me that was too soon! I needed at least a couple hours to shave, wash my hair, finalize my luggage and get my mind right.. 

Okay back to my story...

We got to the hospital around 10:30 am and quickly was taken in a room and monitored for both contractions and the baby's heart beat. I see now that why they wanted me to come in early, the maternity ward was quiet. It was me and two other women in the labor and delivery unit. It was peaceful and in hindsight I am lucky to not have had the experience of having to wait in a waiting room to be admitted. 

A few hours in our labor room I was given an IV. A few hours passed and still no contractions. I was however also given penicillin because at 37 weeks I tested positive for Group B strep. 
Later on that afternoon I was given misoprostol to thin my cervix. To back track a little I was only 1 cm dilated for about three weeks at this point. At this point it was around 8 pm and stronger menstrual like cramps began. 

Around 4 am my water broke and I screamed! Like I literally screamed. I thought I pissed myself and then I realized that it was a lot of liquid coming out and at that moment a nurse was in my room and calmly said "hey your water broke" 😁

As soon as my water broke I felt so much pain! The pain was so bad that it was making me throw up at the same time. My husband though was so amazing. He would rub my back and hold my hand for support. Every couple of minutes he was softly whisper in my ear " I am so proud of you. I could never be this strong." Strength became the theme in my mind during this time. I needed to be strong for my family. 

Very soon after this two wonderful men entered my room and gave me the best thing ever: the epidural. I already knew in my head that I was going to get an epidural. I have a very low pain tolerance so going unmedicated during labor was not something I was even considering! Shout out to all you Moms out there that did! 

Around 8 am I was 8 cm dilated and around 10:30 I was 10! With the epidural though I didn't feel when any contractions were coming just only light pressure.  I have never had surgery before so this level of numbness was new to me. I couldn't believe how disfunctional my lower body was. Funny story: my sister and my husband were in the room at one point and I jokingly said to them if I pee I can't even feel it and my sister replied umm you did pee and I can see it! LOL! I can't believe they don't hide your catheter! LOL

The OB came in my room around 11 am and casually said to me "you are ready to go, you want to push a little and see how it goes?" I kid you not this is how casual this labor was. 
I replied "sure" because mind you I felt nothing except my empty stomach gurgling. This part was just like I envisioned. Legs were up in the air, I was instructed to grab the back of my knees and words of encouragement to push were spoken by everyone in the room. For the next 45 minutes of my life I would repeat the same steps: take a deep breath, push for 10 seconds, breath and repeat two more times. Funny thing is I never made it to a full push for 10 seconds.. I would make it about to 7 or 8. In this moment for some reason 10 seconds can feel like an eternity!

At 11:51 a.m. I heard the doctor say "there he is." After 41 weeks of waiting for him my sweet boy was here and in my arms. 

I held my breath until I heard his first cries.  Mateo didn't immediately cry and Mateo from my angle I only saw the back of his head so I waited nervously to hear something... It was like the biggest sigh of relief when he cried and then I cried...

My sweet boy.

I am your mother.
And you are my child.
I hope you will always see yourself through my eyes.
You are smart.
You are strong.
You are special.
You are a child of God

There is something so beautiful seeing your husband/partner hold his baby for the first time. I pictured some many sweet moments of seeing them together in the future. The way Mateo looks up at his Papi is so sweet.


As soon as we found out that we were having a boy the name Mateo kept coming to me. Both my husband and I are Puerto Rican so I knew we both wanted a Hispanic name for our son. I had no interest in inventing or creating a name either. I wanted a name that represented old world Spanish names. When I looked up the meaning of the name Mateo it was a done deal! 

Mateo means gift of God

That was it! You can't go back from that! LOL! 

One day one our way to church I happened to look over at the road on the drivers side (my husband was driving) and I saw a street named Mateo. Now this was weird because we have been going to our church for over 9 months and never did this street sign even stand out to me. I'm telling you to me God really wanted to imprint the name Mateo on my heart. 

His middle name actually was a name we liked from a pastor. A Hispanic pastor was visiting at our church and delivered a beautiful sermon one Sunday. When he introdcued himself and spoke his name, I quickly looked over at my husband and said I love the name Andres. It just felt strong and mighty. Especially if you pronounce it by rolling your tongue for the letter R. 


So a first and middle name was born! Mateo Andres. 

I love the way it just rolls off the tongue.

Thank you all for your sweet messages on social media! For the past two weeks you all have been so supportive and sending so many sweet messages. I have shared on Instagram some struggles I have had with breast feeding and my recovery. I look forward to sharing a blog post all about it. 

In the meantime I did upload on my Youtube channel a labor video. If you are interested in checking out my labor story here is the link:

I know it is cliche to say but I have never experienced a love this beautiful and sweet before. As soon as he was on my chest I quickly became protective and attached. The way he looks at me and holds my hand just melts my heart to pieces. 

Thank you again guys and I look forward to adding motherhood content to the site along with speaking more openly on postpartum, body changes, and getting back into fashion and beauty! 


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